Our Vision

“To instil Character, Knowledge, Skill and Competence in students, to prepare them to handle the challenges in this competitive world and to promote meaningful living in the interest of the Motherland and for one’s own content.”

Our Mission

“To expose the curriculum with the amalgamation of digitization and technical creativity by enforcing discipline and moral values with sound vision”

News & Events

Secretary’s Message

Thiru T.S.S. Sabarimuthu B.Sc.,

“Education is the only utility that can empower girls” -Malala Yousafzai

“We educate women because it changes the world”. -Drew Faust

The value of Women’s Education was realized by our forefathers and thus resulted the emergence of PSC in 1975, the only girls’ CBSE School in Virudhunagar. We strive to provide quality education to the girls and equip them to be the fittest damsels in this modern technological era and enable them to emerge as strong pillars of society.

Excellence in academics is the hallmark of any institution. Our school attains its eminence through the stupendous achievements of our students in academics and sports. The topnotchers are applauded with medals and certificates.

Apart from academics, we provide Subject Enrichment Activities, Co- Scholastic Activities like Work Education, Art Education, Health and Physical Education and many other skill – based trainings to prepare the students to face the real competitive world

In order to keep abreast of the changing needs of the educational scenario, considerable improvements are made in the quality of infrastructure by providing favourable learning environment to reach their potential through well-equipped classrooms and spectacular playground.

As technology is integrated with everyday lessons, we provide Digital classrooms in which the students can have easy access to the use of audio-visual materials to grab theoretical concepts along with understanding the practical aspects. We emphasize learning in digitally supported environment because it ultimately contributes in building extraordinary skills among the students and help prepare them for future digital demands.

The better mental health of the students are concentrated much by facilitating the best possible resources and amenities that can help them feel safe, secure and valued. This will reduce stress levels and enhance overall learning outcomes

I am extremely delighted to say that our students prove their mettle and make a place for themselves in every field that they have trailed. I dare to assure that the students of PSC are sculptured and moulded in a way that they emerge as victorious, independent, fearless and reach as high as humanly possible.


Principal’s Message

R. Saravanapriya MCA.,B.Ed.

It gives me immense pride and pleasure to be the Principal of this prestigious institution, PSC, offering unwavering support to the learning community for 50 glorious years. I am truly fortunate to impart my sincere service along with a supportive team of magnanimous Management, dedicated staff and the most fantastic students. PSC School strives to endow the students with a platform, helping them to broaden their horizon, paving way for a refined and holistic education.

Hailing as a Golden Jubilee institution, PSC’s aim is not only to pursue the academic excellence but also to motivate and empower the students to be self-reliant and productive members of an ever changing global society. The unflagging commitment of Management in providing excellent infrastructure and first-rate educational ambience stands as a vivid testimony to the unmatched and impressive heights of glory at which our school stands today.

“Education is not only a ladder of opportunity, but it is also an investment in our future”. In compliance with this quote, our school, with a long and rewarding history of achievement, continues to move forward together with confidence, pride and enthusiasm.


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